Christian inspiration

Too many chiefs

Sunshine’s Reflections

Good morning!  Happy Tuesday to you all!  I pray that you enjoyed your holiday weekend.  I was off yesterday and I bless God for a day of rest.  Sometimes we move a million miles a minute and God wants to slow us down and rest.  It’s in our rest that we can reflect on somethings and reflect on God. 

I want to offer my sincere condolences to the Day family.  To all of the prayer warriors please lift this family up in prayer.  Thank you in advance.  The beauty of Christ is that we can join together all over the globe and connect in prayer and Jesus is the intercessor for us. 

TFTD:  Too many chiefs

Do you serve in a ministry at church, work at a job, volunteer with some programs or attend school where there is supposed to be a hierarchy in place?  Do you notice a terrible breakdown in positions because there are too many chiefs and not enough indians?  Or shall I say too many leaders and not enough followers?

It’s hard to be productive if there are too many people walking around with their “leader” hat on.  How can people be led if no one wants to be the follower?  There are going to be different situations in your life where you will be asked to lead, but a true leaders knows when to put their title aside and follow.

Sometimes in the body of Christ there are too many chiefs running around trying to dictate to the people of God, when they should be following the instruction of God.  In order to know where you are going you must listen clearly to the directions that are given.  You have to learn how to manage when to remain silent and listen, when to lead, when to follow, when to help, and when to learn.

It can become so confusing walking this Christian walk if we have so many people trying to tell us what to do and no one is willing to walk with us.  We have to discern the moments when remaining quiet will prove less chaotic.  We have to seek God on humbling ourselves and accepting that it’s okay if we do not get recognition for this project.  We have to discern when we should stop adding to the confusion and just follow.

Food for thought:  Instead of looking at others thinking “They should sit down somewhere, who made them in charge, I should be up there.”  Start looking at ways you can be a follower and what information you can take away from what is being taught. 

Have a blessed day.  I pray that you will be a blessing to someone today by sharing an encouraging word.

Mrs. Nicole “Sunshine” Ellis  

Can’t breathe: Try Spiritual CPR: Consistent in praying, Persistent in pursuing the knowledge of God, and Resistant to temptation.  

© Nicole Ellis and Sunshine’s Reflections Blog, 2009 to 2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Nicole Ellis and Sunshine’s Reflections Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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