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~Nicole “Sunshine” Ellis

Comments on: "Contact Us!" (8)

  1. Wayne C. Jackson said:

    Thanks for today’s blog Nicole!

  2. Hi Guys..where can I buy a poster thats on the April 5th page. The little prarie dog with his has up…Psalm 150:6…I would love to buy that for our music suite at church as a gift!

  3. On January 24 2016 that night I was dreaming I was at my dad house my knees on the floor and sitting on my feet well I was sitting between living and kitchen and look straight there was wall then front door and hallway pass front door and all sudden seen something hallway can’t really tell and so I leaned over put my head to the floor I was prayinthisd raise back up and I was crying and then heard voice like kind of deep voice and saying this is god you are blessed and you are pregnant and you are having a boy then I woke up and raised up in my bed and all sudden got dizzy and felt like I am going throw up 3:00 am and then I felt ok then went back to bed and dgot back up at 6:00 am stayed up until 7:30 am went back to bed and got back up at 11:00 am and stayed up had strong heavy feeling off and on all day in my stomach. This is what happen in my dream. What does mean can it come true?

    • I am not an interpreter of dreams; however, you can seek God in prayer to reveal what your dream meant. Sometimes God can use dreams to minister to us specifically or He will use imagery to draw parallels with our life and other situations. Sometimes dreams can’t be taken too literal. Seek God. He will have the answer.

  4. Thank you very much. Please tell me how do I have to forget about negative impact ruining my thoughts

    • Think on the things of Christ. It’s important to watch what you allow to enter your gates; ears, eyes, mouth, etc. You have to place guards up on any entry way of the body. What are you watching on TV, what do you listen to on the radio, who do you listen to when you have conversations. If you are feeding your spirit with negativity then you will constantly think on those things. You have to think on positive things. You have to surround yourself with positive people. You have to ask God to fill your cup with more of Him and less of you and the world. This is done by reading and studying His word, going to church, being involved, getting counseling if necessary. Sometimes it’s not a matter of forgetting, but redirecting how you look at that thing that impacted your life. I pray this helps. God bless.

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