Christian inspiration

Archive for January, 2016

To Whom It May Concern

Sunshine’s Reflections

TFTD: To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern

By: Nicole L. Ellis

To Whom It May Concern,

I decided to text you because it appears to be the only way I can reach you nowadays

It was urgent that I connect with you because I have so much to say

You spend so much time glued to this tiny device

I wanted to take a moment to give you some advice

I hardly recognize you when you don’t have this thing in your hand

Your life has become consumed with how easily you can access things on demand

You’ve become a slave to an object that doesn’t hold your future and didn’t give you life

Your dedication to this cell phone has caused so much misery and strife

Opportunities lost

Feelings shattered

Your family and I were wondering if we even matter

Responsibilities neglected

Possibilities ended

Instead of focusing on Me you are consumed with who you unfriended

What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet lose his soul?

This is a story that will slowly unfold

How many more hours will you give to that game?

Social media is not a reflection of reality and you are not a part of the hall of fame

Your spiritual life is diminishing

Your ambition is non-existent

Who do you call when you need spiritual assistance?

Can that object heal your body and provide all of your needs?

If your answer is yes, then it’s obvious why you don’t need Me

The reality is I am your Father and your Friend

I will love you today, tomorrow until the end

The end of time when I call you home

I want you to know I am here for you and that I will never leave you alone

I urge you to get your spiritual house together

Study my Word so you can brave the weather

Storms will rise and winds will blow

That cell phone won’t help you, only the Word that you know

Hide my word in your heart

Stay connected to Me and we will never part

Take up your cross and become dependent on the One you can’t see

Take up your cross and come Follow ME

~Signed Jesus

Have you become so consumed with your cell phone that you spend more time on it then in the presence of the Holy Spirit? Have you loss countless hours on social media or playing games? How much time do you devote to studying the Word of God? It’s important not to become a slave to your cell phone. It’s important not to make your cell phone your god. Will you consider fasting from your cell phone? Will you replace hours that you play on your phone with time reading God’s word and creating new memories with your family and friends? I challenge you to take inventory of how you use your time.

God bless.

Mrs. Nicole “Sunshine” Ellis, MBA

Can’t breathe: Try Spiritual CPR: Consistent in praying, Persistent in pursuing the knowledge of God, and Resistant to temptation.

New Year- Get rid of the Nebuchadnezzar spirit

Sunshine’s Reflections

Good morning!

TFTD: Get rid of the Nebuchadnezzar spirit

Happy New Year to you all! I pray that you had a blessed holiday.

Today is January 8, 2016, how is your year shaping up thus far? Typically at the beginning of the year everyone is filled with hope and determination. Somewhere along the lines hope is lost, procrastination sets in and discouragement tramples on dreams. At the start of the year people are motivated. By the middle of the year folks are barely hanging on to their goals and dreams. Towards the end-of-year people are ready for the year to be over. This year, I encourage you to do things differently.

In order to have a different outcome this year you will have to change. Do you have the Nebuchadnezzar spirit? What is the Nebuchadnezzar spirit? I’m glad you asked. While studying the book of Daniel, God revealed to me how King Nebuchadnezzar was a strong, wealthy and a proud leader. He wanted things done his way. Even though King Nebuchadnezzar witnessed the power of God through Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego, he still did what he wanted. Even though the king verbally said that Daniel’s God was “Truly the God of gods”, he still did what he wanted to do. Even though the king witnessed the miraculous wonders of God sparing Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego from the fiery furnace, he still did what he wanted to do. The Nebuchadnezzar spirit, is when a person has witnessed and/or experienced the greatness of God and STILL rejects Him personally.

Perhaps you know someone who has seen God work in the lives of others and even in their own life, but they refuse to change and live according to God’s will and purpose. They may have the Nebuchadnezzar spirit. It’s a dangerous position to be in. To have power and influence and remain so proud and stubborn that you overlook God. You can’t continue to live a life contrary to the Word of God and expect to live a blessed life. In Daniel Chapter 4- King Nebuchadnezzar was separated from his kingdom and made dumb and ate with the wild animals until he would acknowledge who GOD was. It wasn’t until that time that God restored his kingdom.

How many chances do you think God will give you to get right with him? How long will you allow the Nebuchadnezzar spirit to cause you to live like a heathen? What does God have to do in order to get your attention? Maybe he needs to strip you of your dignity, position and title. Or perhaps you will choose to change today? The choice is yours.

God is all around you, He is wondering when you will acknowledge Him and live for Him.

Have a blessed day!

Mrs. Nicole “Sunshine” Ellis, MBA

Can’t breathe: Try Spiritual CPR: Consistent in praying, Persistent in pursuing the knowledge of God, and Resistant to temptation.