Christian inspiration

Archive for June, 2014

Poetry Corner – I am determined

Sunshine’s Reflections

Good morning! It seems like forever, but I’m back. I pray that all is well. I pray that you have continued with your daily devotion. It is so important to develop and maintain a personal relationship with Christ. Your walk with Christ should never become contingent on people. I’m glad to be back!

Poetry Corner

 I am determined

by: Nicole Ellis

Life has a way of throwing curve balls

Emotional distress tries to tear me down

The enemy sends his army in attempts to discourage

They plant traps in an effort to knock me on the ground

But I am determined

Haters spew filth and complaints

Negative people try to contaminate my thinking

The enemy tries to use some of the closet people

As part of his plan to keep me sinking

But I am determined

I am royalty

My Father is King

He sits high in heaven

And promised me everything

Whatever I ask in His name I shall receive

I will use the promises of God to combat those who try to deceive

I am determined to remain humble yet to stand tall

I will live a life that is pleasing to God

They will not make me falter

I will conquer all of the odds

I am determined to become who God wants me to be

You don’t have to believe me

Wait and see what God manifest through me

Because I am DETERMINED!


God has called you to become someone great and on your journey to greatness you should expect opposition and resistance. Don’t allow the tricks of the enemy or the things people say or do to deter you from being who God has called you to be. The only approval you need is from God. Make up your mind and say, “I AM DETERMINED TO BE WHO GOD HAS CALLED ME TO BE AND I WILL WALK IN MY DESTINY!”

Have a blessed day!



Mrs. Nicole “Sunshine” Ellis, MBA

Can’t breathe: Try Spiritual CPR: Consistent in praying, Persistent in pursuing the knowledge of God, and Resistant to temptation.