Christian inspiration



Good afternoon!  Happy Wednesday to you all!  I pray your day is going well.

I love it when people are doing great things for others.  I think that the media shares enough negative things in the world that I wanted to take a moment to highlight some people who are doing positive things. 

This month I would like to spotlight a phenomenal Christian duo.  This young adult husband and wife team are doing it big in the community. 

Allow me to introduce to you Daryl and Jaryn Crosby the founders of My Life My Legacy, Inc.

Daryl and Jaryn are a beautiful young couple with two precious daughters.  They both have backgrounds in Music education.  They both have their masters and are working towards their doctorates.  They are highly educated and qualified to share the dream and hope of education to the leaders of tomorrow.  They are close friends of the family and I am so thrilled to see how God is using them in the community. 

What is My Life My Legacy, Inc. (MLML)?  I am glad that you asked:

The mission of MY LIFE MY LEGACY Inc. is to 

  • educate
  • encourage
  • enlighten
  • empower 

youth and prepare them for the future. MY LIFE MY LEGACY, Inc. provides programs and services that are designed to teach youth how to properly prepare for a correct course of action, in seeking their college education.

The specific purpose of MY LIFE MY LEGACY, Inc. is to provide services and assistance that will help high school students in and around the City of Hampton, Virginia. These particular opportunities will educate them on the importance of preparing for their future, and motivate participants to seek post high school education. To that end, MY LIFE MY LEGACY, Inc. offers programs such as:

  •  College Preparatory
  •  College Admissions Assistance
  •  Test Preparation and Strategies
  •  College Application Assistance
  •  Scholarship Application and Essay Assistance
  •  Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) Assistance
  •  Computer/Technology Access
  •  Summer Advancement Assistance
  •  and more….

If you have high schoolers in the Hampton area, I encourage you to get in touch with My Life My Legacy, Inc.  They are bridging the gap between children, parents, and the road to college.  Planning for college can be overwhelming and these lovely people are helping to educate our youth and their parents so that college can become a real option to them. 

Check out their first online magazine:

 My Life My Legacy, Inc. contact information:

Phone: 757-912-5429

Address: P.O. Box 541 Hampton, VA 23669



Radio Show email:

-LEGACY Hampton




It’s refreshing to see young people doing positive things.  Share this with everyone that you know.  Find out how you can support this positive effort. 

God bless!

~Nicole “Sunshine” Ellis


Comments on: "Young Adults doing BIG THINGS!!!" (1)

  1. Thanks for the love Nicole! We are truly honored! Indeed we shared a passion to see our young people reach the potential that they possess. And we will do everything we can in God’s will to continue to “uplift the youth to enhance the future.” One way to support today is to become a sponsor for our 2012 College tour. We are planning to go down to Atlanta Ga, but we are going to need help from the supporters of MLML. For more info check out Thanks again!

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