Christian inspiration

New Author

Sunshine’s Reflections

Greetings blog family and friends, 

Six years ago God called me to start an email ministry known as the Thought for the Day (TFTD).  What started out as a simple email meant to encourage a few friends in my address book has grown to reach people across the globe.  Everything that I write is inspired by God.  I am merely a willing vessel used to spread the message.  The sole purpose of this ministry is to enlighten, inspire, encourage, convict, compel, educate, and spread the Word of Jesus Christ.

I wanted to take this time to thank you for your prayers and support of the Thought for the Day (TFTD) email ministry; which has grown into Sunshine’s Reflections blog  God has blessed me with a love for writing and encouraging others through spoken and written word and it is with great joy that I announce my first book, Reflections of the Son by Nicole L. Ellis.  This book is a collection of Christian inspirational poetry that will move you to grow closer to Christ. 

As a new author, I need your help.  Marketing is expensive and it has been my experience that the best advertising is word of mouth.  I would like to ask you for a commitment to purchase my book in advance; commit to purchasing 5 books, 10 books, or more or whatever God lays on your heart.  Tell everyone that you know that there is a new author in the neighborhood.  These will be great gifts for your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and even strangers.  This will not only help me; it will richly spread the love, hope, and encouragement of Jesus Christ through poetry to others.

Please consider being one of my first supporters of Reflections of the Son.  The cost of the book is $9.00.  I am asking for commitments to gauge my pre-orders.  I will be ordering a number of books to introduce myself to the literary world.  You’re generosity, prayer, and support is greatly appreciated.  I will be in contact with you soon to see how you can help me out and the official release date of my book.  Feel free to contact me with any book commitments that you can make.  Your support is greatly appreciated. 

Thank you and God bless.

With love,

Nicole L. Ellis


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Creative Author, Christina Ridgley. Christina Ridgley said: New Author « Sunshine's Reflections Blog: As a new author, I need your help. Marketing is expensive and it has bee… […]

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